Labor Day Benefit
Saturday, September 4, 2021
1–4 p.m. at the Wharf House at Founder’s Landing Park
1025 Terry’s Lane, Southold, NY 11971

Entry Tickets
- All tickets must be purchased in advance, by September 3, 2021. Tickets will not be available at the door.
- General admission is $60 per person. Each ticket includes:
- Entry
- Lunch
- Entertainment — and
- Sponsorship Tickets are $250 per person. Each ticket includes:
- Entry
- Lunch
- Entertainment
- Lots of fun!
- One $100 raffle ticket
- Two drink tickets — and
Lunch Selections
You have your choice of one menu item for each General or Sponsor entry ticket.
- Grilled Marinated Vegetables with Hummus and Balsamic Reduction on Hearty Multigrain Bread.
- Grilled Marinated Chicken Thigh with Mixed Greens and Garlic Mayo on a Brioche Bun.
- Roast Beef with Cheddar, Pickled Onions and Romaine Lettuce with Horseradish Sauce on a ciabatta roll.
All items come with sides of potato salad, pasta salad, green salad, potato chips, a cookie and bottled water.
All items will be served in individual boxes, which is why we ask for your menu selection in advance.
Catering for the 2021 Labor Day Benefit is generously provided by Ellens on Front in Greenport.
Cash Raffle
The Cash Raffle is Sold Out!
• First Prize: $10,000 cash
• Second Prize: $2,500 cash
• Three Third Prizes: $500 cash each
Only 300 raffles are available, making your chances of winning considerable. All sales will stop after the last raffle is sold. Try your luck by joining with your friends. Please know that all raffle sales help support the good works of North Fork Women, be it through LifeLine, through crisis intervention or helping to pick up where insurance runs short.
How the cash raffle works:
- The cost of each Raffles is $100
- Upon purchase, Raffle tickets will be e-mailed.
- Purchaser need not be present to win.
Raffles can also be purchased via USPS mail. Send a check made out to North Fork Women and mail it to:
North Fork Women, PO Box 804, Greenport, NY 11944.
Entry and donations can also be included in the same check. Don’t forget to let us know your preference of a Chicken, Beef or Vegetarian lunch.