Year End Appeal
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 - Friday, December 31, 2021
Year End Donation Form
Oh, what a year it has been!
We began 2021 in the throws of COVID, continuing to wear masks, isolating, and searching for COVID vaccine appointments. The board proceeded cautiously, but creatively, into unknown territory.

President Chris P’Simer
Our Connection Series continued with presentations and opportunities to see each other via Zoom. We watched The Archivettes, a documentary about the Lesbian Herstory Archives, with producer and director Megan Rossman who joined us to discuss the film. She offered to work on a documentary that celebrates North Fork Women’s thirty-year history. Can you believe it – NFWFWF, alive and well after 30 years?
As spring arrived, we ventured outside to socially distant, mask wearing activities. We cleaned up Southold Town Beach and reunited at McCabe’s Beach for our Pride Party. It was a bring-your-own-everything (chair, breakfast, coffee, etc), but it was our first gathering since COVID hit in March 2020.
Finally, with COVID numbers down and vaccinations easier to obtain, we moved to resume our live events this summer. The Annual Labor Day Benefit and the Oyster Extravaganza! were both extremely successful in spite of the masking and vaccination restrictions we enacted to keep members safe.
Donate today to lend a hand to lesbians on the North Fork
During 2021 we helped members get the COVID vaccine, continued our HelpHer program, awarded over $12,000 in grants to date (over $366,000 in our 30-year history) and provided Life Lines for North Fork Women members.
Now, we are asking for your financial assistance. As 2021 comes to an end and the giving season begins, we hope you will find it in your heart to contribute to North Fork Women through our Year End Appeal. Your participation in our events, your contributions to our fund and your encouragement have brought us to a better, brighter time. And although we will be COVID-cautious, we will continue our work to provide safe events, grants for our members and support for those who need our assistance.
Please give what you can. Donate today by using the form on this page. You can also mail a check to North Fork Women, PO Box 804, Greenport, NY 11944. Know that your donation will be used to alleviate stress and hardship for members who are in need and will build a stronger lesbian community on the North Fork.
Have a happy and healthy holiday season and please know the Board of the North Fork Women is extremely grateful for your continued support.
Christine P’Simer
President, North Fork Women