Five Wishes Advance Directive
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm EDT
You are invited to join Robyn Berger-Gaston of the Family Service League for an informative discussion on the Five Wishes document. Five Wishes was the first advance directive to address personal, emotional, and spiritual issues in addition to meeting medical and legal criteria.
The document is based on what is important to people and has been embraced by families, community groups, faith communities, and medical and legal providers. Five Wishes was designed to be accessible, legal, and easy-to-understand with the goal of helping people discuss and document their wishes in a non-threatening, life-affirming way.
Written in user-friendly lay language, Five Wishes was the first advance directive to address personal, emotional, and spiritual issues in addition to meeting medical and legal criteria. Because the document is based on what is important to people, it has been widely embraced by families, community groups, faith communities, and medical and legal providers.
No signup is required.
Click here to receive a complimentary copy of the Five Wishes document.
Five Wishes Advance Directive Document
Time: Oct 21, 2020 4:30 p.m.
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