Medicare Webinar
Monday, November 6, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm EST

Join a Free, Educational Medicare Webinar
November 6, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m.
Presented by Cindy Goldsher, a Senior Services Specialist, NYS Licensed Broker & Agent
Join an important Educational Medicare Seminar with Cindy Goldsher, and learn from an unbiased resource what you need to know and when you need to take action and maximize your benefits during this Medicare Annual Enrollment Period beginning October 15th through December 7th. There is no cost to you for her assistance!
Topics that will be addressed:
- What’s New to Medicare in 2024 and Beyond!
- What are the new laws enacted and will they affect you?
- Why is Medicare pushing Medicare Advantage Plans vs Traditional Medicare Supplements? How are they different?
- What other Medicare privatization is taking place?
- What new benefits are approved by Medicare for 2024 & which type of plans will cover them?
- How can you find out if your medications and/or brand of insulin are still on the drug plan formulary for 2024?
- How and when will the Inflation Reduction Act affect your benefits?
- What are the first 10 Medicare price-negotiated drugs?
- The Part D “donut hole”/coverage gap explanation
- How is Mark Cuban shaking up the pharmaceutical industry to lower your drug costs?
- What does your family need to know about your Medicare coverage?
- What is EPIC and how do you qualify?
- What extra benefits are Veterans entitled to?
- How to avoid scams
- Health plan change periods and special enrollment periods
- And much more. Your questions will be addressed.
RSVP to Long Island Sound Senior Connections:
Call: 631-469-0183, or
Email: sherri.greco@fsl-li.org or erin.engmann@fsl-li.org
Zoom Info:
To attend directly via Zoom on November 6, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. go to:
Meeting ID: 676 045 1462
Dial in phone number: 1-646-876-9923
Long Island Sound Senior Connections • Meeting the Needs of Greenport’s Seniors
(516) 578-8330 • medicarepro65@gmail.com
Join a Free, Educational Medicare Webinar
November 6, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m.
Presented by Cindy Goldsher, a Senior Services Specialist, NYS Licensed Broker & Agent
Join an important Educational Medicare Seminar with Cindy Goldsher, and learn from an unbiased resource what you need to know and when you need to take action and maximize your benefits during this Medicare Annual Enrollment Period beginning October 15th through December 7th. There is no cost to you for her assistance!
Topics that will be addressed:
- What’s New to Medicare in 2024 and Beyond!
- What are the new laws enacted and will they affect you?
- Why is Medicare pushing Medicare Advantage Plans vs Traditional Medicare Supplements? How are they different?
- What other Medicare privatization is taking place?
- What new benefits are approved by Medicare for 2024 & which type of plans will cover them?
- How can you find out if your medications and/or brand of insulin are still on the drug plan formulary for 2024?
- How and when will the Inflation Reduction Act affect your benefits?
- What are the first 10 Medicare price-negotiated drugs?
- The Part D “donut hole”/coverage gap explanation
- How is Mark Cuban shaking up the pharmaceutical industry to lower your drug costs?
- What does your family need to know about your Medicare coverage?
- What is EPIC and how do you qualify?
- What extra benefits are Veterans entitled to?
- How to avoid scams
- Health plan change periods and special enrollment periods
- And much more. Your questions will be addressed.
RSVP to Long Island Sound Senior Connections:
Call: 631-469-0183, or
Email: sherri.greco@fsl-li.org or erin.engmann@fsl-li.org
Zoom Info:
To attend directly via Zoom on November 6, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. go to:
Meeting ID: 676 045 1462
Dial in phone number: 1-646-876-9923
Long Island Sound Senior Connections • Meeting the Needs of Greenport’s Seniors
(516) 578-8330 • medicarepro65@gmail.com