NFWFWF Year End Appeal
Saturday, December 28, 2019
The 2019 NFWFWF Year End Appeal

2019 President Bernadette Hoban
It was recently brought to my attention that I say “no worries” a lot! Apparently it’s my “go to” phrase in emails and conversations. So, now I’ve become self conscious about it and am trying not to over use it.
Wouldn’t it be great though if just saying “no worries” to everyone you met worked and every fear or concern they had disappeared into thin air? Life would immediately change for a lot of people. But the reality is, we don’t possess those magical powers but here on the Northfork we are fortunate to have a wonderful organization fondly called NFWFWF.
Since 1992, our organization has been providing healthcare grants that in many ways remove some of the worries facing our community. The grants we provide answer an immediate need and often afford women the independence to stay in their homes with services such as lifeline alert systems, chairlifts or the installation of a safety ramp or railing. These grants also provide assistance to cover various dental or medical expenses not covered by insurance.
Since 2006, our Help-Her program has accompanied women to doctors appointments, aided patients on appointments with memory issues. Provided medical assist devices like walkers, ramps, wheelchairs and other aides for women convalescing at home. Since 1992, we distributed 241 healthcare grants totaling over $317,000. We currently have 8 women with lifeline subscriptions paid for by our organization thanks to your ongoing support and generosity.
The number of grants NFWFWF provides is limited solely by the donations that we procure. In that sense, through NFWFWF, you can have a direct and positive impact on those in our community. Thanks to your generosity, we are able to provide this assistance and as our population ages, our organization seeks to provide additional services and resources to our membership.
As this year comes to a close and the season of giving approaches, we ask for your support of NFWFWF in our year end appeal. Your generosity will assist us in our mission and in turn we can continue to help lesbians on the Northfork.
Our goal is to alleviate as many worries facing our community so we can live our lives independently knowing you are never alone as long as there is NFWFWF, no worries!
Thank you in advance for your support.
Bernie Hoban,
NFWFWF President