The Invention of the American Vacation
Tuesday, May 29, 2018 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT
The Invention of the American Vacation
With Charles Olton, American Historian and Peconic Landing resident
The idea of going on a vacation is a modern concept. No one ever “took a vacation” before the 1790s. Indeed, the word “vacation” didn’t exist before 1791, when two famous American gentlemen went on a long recreational tour, launching a tradition that is still with us.
The word “vacation” is derived from the verb “to vacate,” which is what school children did to schools when it was time to work on family farms in summer months. Charles (Chuck) Olton will use a rich collection of images to tell the remarkable story of that first vacation, part of which occurred right here, on the North Fork of Long Island.
Presented by Peconic Landing and the Oysterponds Historical Society
Free and open to all.