Items offered in our Benefit Auction to date. Come back, more to follow!
'Back Porch at the Peconic River Herb Garden' by Paula Hepner
Portrait Sitting with Joyce Culver
'Liza on her Bike' by Tommy Thomas
'Our Lily Pond' by Janet Fink
Cruise with Captain Bernie
'Mondale Ferraro' by Tommy Thomas
'A Hood from History' by Adele Wallach
North Fork Table + Island's End Golf Certificates
Design Consultation by Kramer+ deConciliis Architecture
'Whimsy' by Marsha Lipsitz
Women Making Waves course by Port of Egypt
'Driftwood Sculpture at Orient State Park' by Paula Hepner
Massages at Eastern Sun Holistic
'Value / Differences' by Debra Riva
'Dogs in the Studio' by Rita Stern Milch