President Marj Snyder
It’s been a busy spring and early summer for the NFWFWF community.
We are on track to meet our projected health care grant requests for the year. So far this has included providing funding for LifeLines, help on insurance, home modifications to accommodate new medical conditions, and supplying home medical accessories. Through HelpHer we’ve transported community members to medical appointments, helped transition people from hospital to home, and connected people with welcoming therapists.
As one community member wrote, “I want to thank Barb and the HelpHer team for all they have done to help me over the past few years. They drove me back and forth to the hospital for follow-ups after a serious operation. Recently I was hospitalized for an injury and Barb and HelpHer were right with me, providing equipment and guidance in my recovery.” It’s clear that NFWFWF is serving a critical need on the North Fork.
The Anne MacKay Scholarships were awarded to three deserving young women from Riverhead and Mattituck high schools. Please read their essays if you haven’t already done so and see why they were chosen to be the 2018 winners. Since 2013 the college scholarships have benefited 17 female high school seniors.
After an initial weather delay the NFWFWF Gay Pride party was enjoyed by many members of our community on June 30th. Many thanks to Lori Cohen and Laura Held for hosting us at their lovely home.
The board and community members have been working on a strategic plan for NFWFWF. The energy, passion and smarts of our community members were on full display at a recent planning meeting where 17 of us came together with a facilitator to begin the process. I’m grateful for their wisdom and dedication as we embark on the future of NFWFWF. I promise to share more in my next letter.
We’ve had several successful (I mean fun) First Friday Friends events where we seem to break an attendance record each time! There were 42 people at the American Beech restaurant on July 6th. Join us at Orient by the Sea on August 3rd from 6-7pm. Bring your family and friends!
A private NFWFWF wine and cheese reception will be held at the Tommy Thomas art exhibit at VSOP Gallery in Greenport on Friday, July 20th from 6-8pm. Tommy was not only an important artist, but also an integral member of our community who gave generously to NFWFWF.
You may have noticed that change is in the wind for the Janet T. Swanson Summer Sunset Benefit at Founder’s Landing on September 1st from 6-10pm. Rather than a live auction, we are going to have music by the world-renowned Mudflats followed by the announcement of the winners of the first-ever NFWFWF raffle. What would you do with $10,000? Buy a ticket for $100 to give yourself a chance. Only 300 tickets will be sold. There will still be an opportunity for you to support the work we do by purchasing a silent auction item at the event. And finally, bring your dancing shoes! Tickets, raffles and general information can all be purchased by clicking here.
A happy and healthy summer to everyone.
Marj Snyder
NFWFWF President