Dear North Fork Women,

President Chris P’Simer
As we enter voting season, I hope you have made plans to cast your ballot either by mail, during early voting from now till Sunday, Nov 1, or on election day, Tuesday, November 3, 2020. And if you feel like you can’t make it to the polls, the HelpHer Team at North Fork Women is here to help. We have a number of volunteers who are willing to pick up our members and get them to their polling places. We will, of course, wear masks, and follow the safety guidelines recommended by the CDC. If you need a ride, please email barb@nfwfwf.org
In the meantime, we held our Sunset Auction on September 5th on Zoom and it was a great success. Although we were forced to hold the auction online, we gathered sixteen items, and most sold for more than the initial bid price. We also held our annual raffle and drew the winning numbers at the event. Congratulations to Betty Lee, winner of the $10,000 first prize.
Diana Nyad was with us at the Zoom Sunset event and she was remarkable. She told us of her childhood, her life and her long-time quest to swim 110 miles from Cuba to Florida, which she successfully completed at the age of 63 on September 2, 2013. Diana’s presentation was entertaining and inspirational. She promised she would come to the North Fork and join us for a live presentation once we are able to gather as a large group, and I personally cannot wait for her visit.
A special thank you to those who donated auction items, sold raffle tickets and participated in the event. We were able to raise enough money to keep the organization afloat during this difficult time.
This month North Fork Women received a $2,000 grant to our Covid-19 Fund from The Marsha Day Memorial Fund of the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice. The board will make decisions about distribution of the funds at our next meeting. Thank you, Gillian Francis and Fund co-trustee Susan Davis for making this grant possible.
At our last meeting, we decided to move forward with our plans to provide presentations to connect with our North Fork Women friends. We call them our ‘Connection Series’ and hope you will find it interesting and entertaining. We started with a seminar on September 21 on The Five Wishes directive. It was led by Robyn Berger-Gaston, Director of the Family Service League at the Riverhead Family Center. We had a good turnout and we thank Robyn for her insightful presentation.
And so our ‘Connection Series’ begins. Please continue to read our blasts and check our website for future events. By the way, if you are interested in presenting a seminar that you think will be of interest to our membership, please contact me at cpsimer@nfwfwf.org.
Take care and be safe.
Chris P’Simer
NFWFWF President
Dear North Fork Women,

2020 President Chris P’Simer
As we enter voting season, I hope you have made plans to cast your ballot either by mail, during early voting from now till Sunday, Nov 1, or on election day, Tuesday, November 3, 2020. And if you feel like you can’t make it to the polls, the HelpHer Team at North Fork Women is here to help. We have a number of volunteers who are willing to pick up our members and get them to their polling places. We will, of course, wear masks, and follow the safety guidelines recommended by the CDC. If you need a ride, please email barb@nfwfwf.org
In the meantime, we held our Sunset Auction on September 5th on Zoom and it was a great success. Although we were forced to hold the auction online, we gathered sixteen items, and most sold for more than the initial bid price. We also held our annual raffle and drew the winning numbers at the event. Congratulations to Betty Lee, winner of the $10,000 first prize.
Diana Nyad was with us at the Zoom Sunset event and she was remarkable. She told us of her childhood, her life and her long-time quest to swim 110 miles from Cuba to Florida, which she successfully completed at the age of 63 on September 2, 2013. Diana’s presentation was entertaining and inspirational. She promised she would come to the North Fork and join us for a live presentation once we are able to gather as a large group, and I personally cannot wait for her visit.
A special thank you to those who donated auction items, sold raffle tickets and participated in the event. We were able to raise enough money to keep the organization afloat during this difficult time.
This month North Fork Women received a $2,000 grant to our Covid-19 Fund from The Marsha Day Memorial Fund of the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice. The board will make decisions about distribution of the funds at our next meeting. Thank you, Gillian Francis and Fund co-trustee Susan Davis for making this grant possible.
At our last meeting, we decided to move forward with our plans to provide presentations to connect with our North Fork Women friends. We call them our ‘Connection Series’ and hope you will find it interesting and entertaining. We started with a seminar on September 21 on The Five Wishes directive. It was led by Robyn Berger-Gaston, Director of the Family Service League at the Riverhead Family Center. We had a good turnout and we thank Robyn for her insightful presentation.
And so our ‘Connection Series’ begins. Please continue to read our blasts and check our website for future events. By the way, if you are interested in presenting a seminar that you think will be of interest to our membership, please contact me at cpsimer@nfwfwf.org.
Take care and be safe.
Chris P’Simer
NFWFWF President