Dear NFWFWF friends,

President Chris P’Simer
Good Morning and Happy Spring!
I was just in our gardens planting annuals, and I stopped for a moment to think about living on the North Fork. Clare and I have been here almost three years and I still can’t believe what a magnificent place this is. As the spring is upon us, the farm stands are beginning to have stock, the vineyards’ grape vines are turning green, and restaurants are open full time for the months ahead. It’s a beautiful time on the North Fork
And to make it even more exciting, the CDC and the State of New York have now agreed that if we have been vac-cinated, we can take our masks off and feel free to be around other vaccinated people. I am grateful that we were able to help some of our members get the vaccine when it was first available, and I hope that all of our members have taken the opportunity to get it.
The North Fork Women Board has continued to work at ways to bring us together either virtually or in person. We held a socially distant beach cleanup at Town Beach in Southold and removed ten trash bags full of “things left be-hind”. It was a chilly day, with a little sun, but 30 people came to help. It was nice to see some of our NFW friends and to chat with people we hadn’t seen in so many months.
As part of our Connection Series, we began Lori Cohen’s Workout-Thursday exercise program at Fitness Advantage. The program runs 8 weeks and is free to our members. In addition, The Giving Room has offered five yoga sessions to our members at no cost. Thank you to Lori and Paula DiDonato from the Giving Room for their contributions.
We are looking forward to our next Connections program. In a Zoom event on June 11, Karen Sauvigné will discuss the SPAT program (Suffolk Project in Aquaculture Training) at Cornell Marine Center. She will explain the process of oyster growing and the life cycle of these delicious and beneficial marine animals.
On Sunday, June 13, we will gather at McCabe’s Beach in Southold to celebrate Pride 2021. Please join us live, in-person (socially distanced) and outside. This Pride Celebration will be free, easy-going and as safe as we can make it. It’s a BYO event, so bring chairs, some breakfast or brunch goodies and something to drink. It will be our first live social event and I am hopeful that we get a good crowd. The important thing is that we get to see each other and catch up with old friends.
Looking forward, and with continued COVID caution, we are now planning our Jan Swanson Auction for September 4th. We will hold our $10,000 raffle and auction off some interesting items. And for your entertainment, The Mud-flats have agreed to play for us. Our plan is to have this in-person event at Founders’ Landing where it has been for so many years.
Now that we can get together, I am looking forward to seeing you at one of future events.
Chris P’Simer
North Fork Women
Dear NFWFWF friends,

2021 President Chris P’Simer
Good Morning and Happy Spring!
I was just in our gardens planting annuals, and I stopped for a moment to think about living on the North Fork. Clare and I have been here almost three years and I still can’t believe what a magnificent place this is. As the spring is upon us, the farm stands are beginning to have stock, the vineyards’ grape vines are turning green, and restaurants are open full time for the months ahead. It’s a beautiful time on the North Fork
And to make it even more exciting, the CDC and the State of New York have now agreed that if we have been vac-cinated, we can take our masks off and feel free to be around other vaccinated people. I am grateful that we were able to help some of our members get the vaccine when it was first available, and I hope that all of our members have taken the opportunity to get it.
The North Fork Women Board has continued to work at ways to bring us together either virtually or in person. We held a socially distant beach cleanup at Town Beach in Southold and removed ten trash bags full of “things left be-hind”. It was a chilly day, with a little sun, but 30 people came to help. It was nice to see some of our NFW friends and to chat with people we hadn’t seen in so many months.
As part of our Connection Series, we began Lori Cohen’s Workout-Thursday exercise program at Fitness Advantage. The program runs 8 weeks and is free to our members. In addition, The Giving Room has offered five yoga sessions to our members at no cost. Thank you to Lori and Paula DiDonato from the Giving Room for their contributions.
We are looking forward to our next Connections program. In a Zoom event on June 11, Karen Sauvigné will discuss the SPAT program (Suffolk Project in Aquaculture Training) at Cornell Marine Center. She will explain the process of oyster growing and the life cycle of these delicious and beneficial marine animals.
On Sunday, June 13, we will gather at McCabe’s Beach in Southold to celebrate Pride 2021. Please join us live, in-person (socially distanced) and outside. This Pride Celebration will be free, easy-going and as safe as we can make it. It’s a BYO event, so bring chairs, some breakfast or brunch goodies and something to drink. It will be our first live social event and I am hopeful that we get a good crowd. The important thing is that we get to see each other and catch up with old friends.
Looking forward, and with continued COVID caution, we are now planning our Jan Swanson Auction for September 4th. We will hold our $10,000 raffle and auction off some interesting items. And for your entertainment, The Mud-flats have agreed to play for us. Our plan is to have this in-person event at Founders’ Landing where it has been for so many years.
Now that we can get together, I am looking forward to seeing you at one of future events.
Chris P’Simer
North Fork Women