Dear Friends,

President Eleanor Thomas
I hope you all are enjoying these summer days doing what you love to do!
Thanks to a robust turnout of members and the generous contributions of our sponsors, the Inaugural Pride Golf Celebration last month was a great success. The funds raised from successful outings like these will go directly to our much-needed grants program. We continue to focus on how best to serve our community.
Due to a dramatic increase in grant requests, we have already provided twice the amount in grant money ($44,083) to our members than we did in all of 2021. We were able to provide more funds than usual as a result of our golf event and the donations from some or our sponsors. We anticipate more grant requests this year and we are turning to you to help make the Annual Jan Swanson Labor Day Benefit a success.
Tickets and our big cash prize Raffles are on sale now, and we will emphasize sponsorships as well. The Labor Day event will be a chance to gather, dance, celebrate and further support North Fork Women so we can fulfil our goal of building a safe, healthy and active community.
Also in 2022, we got creative with our First Friday Friends, holding various venues including a beach outing in Southold and a round of miniature golf at Drossos which had many hilarious elements.
Later this month, we are launching a couple of new initiatives. The first one is a parent’s initiative for our LGBTQ families and the other is our first Circle of Friends brunch for those who have lost loved ones. Both of these new events were brought to us by our NFW members, so keep bringing us your ideas on how we can help our community.
As always, we appreciate your support and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Additional events can be viewed by clicking here.
With gratitude,
Eleanor Thomas
North Fork Women